Donate to Paul’s campaign

Donate to Paul’s campaign

All campaigns require help in the forms of Time, Talent, or Treasure, and this is no exception. We would appreciate your help with a financial contribution to Paul’s campaign. This will help us develop the campaign resources, keep us on the road so that we can meet more people, and allow us to hold events so that we can meet people in larger numbers.

You can donate in any of the following ways

1 Send an e-mail money transfer to We may contact you to obtain the password and also to get your address.
2 Write a personal cheque, or get a money order or bank draft, and contact us at or at 902-830-5043 to set up when we can meet.
3 By credit card using one of the buttons below. A Visa debit card is not able to be used. Although these are processed through PayPal you do not need a PayPal account in order to send the donation.

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or enter an amount to donate once you get to PayPal…

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Please note that no tax receipt will be issued for this donation. You will not receive a taxable benefit from this donation, but you will help elect a strong and community minded person.

Thanks for your help with Paul’s campaign.